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Ethical Statement

Ethical Statement

Data Protection and privacy policy for www.whitworths-sugar.co.uk

T&L Sugars Limited is committed to the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights which is founded on three pillars:

The State duty to protect human rights against abuse by third parties, including business, through appropriate policies, legislation, regulations and adjudication.

The corporate responsibility to respect human rights, meaning to act with due diligence to avoid infringing on the rights of others and address adverse impacts with which they are involved.
The need for greater access to effective remedy, both judicial and non-judicial, for victims of business-related human rights abuse.

To this end, if you feel your human rights have been violated in any way, you can file a grievance to:

ATTN: Legal Department
Thames Refinery, Factory Road, Silvertown,

either in person or anonymously.  

Click here to read the UN Guidelines Ethical Policy document in full.

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